TWWP at Iceland

When the brothers approached, Hogni said, 'What monster is this coming towards us here? I do not know what it is.'

Thorstein replied, 'This is Ljot the old witch - look how bizarrely she has got herself up.'
She had pulled her clothes up over her head and was walking backwards, with her head thrust between her legs. The look in her eyes was hideous - the way she could dart them like a troll

From the book The Sagas of Icelanders , The Saga of the people of Vatnsdal

The mobility project is funded by the European Union and implemented by the Goethe-Institute

This work was produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union

#culturemoveseurope #pushboundaries #goetheinstitute#zulemagaleano #visualartist #art #artist #iceland
Photo taken in my artistic residency at textilmidstod 

@The mobility project is funded by the European Union and implemented by the Goethe-Institute

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